If you like a bit of computer science entertainment, this StackOverflow question has a humorous treatment of a very real world problem that I am sure has affected all of us, more or less severely.
And here is a demonstration how a light-hearted subject will always be turned into a controversy by people that are just too focused. What a pity.
I just had a blast watching a couple of old PC demos. Get the demos, download your favourite DOSBox wrapper (on Mac OS X I absolutely adore Boxer) and enjoy:
- Verses by Electromotive Force: Winner of the Assembly '94 pc demo compo. Stylish fractals, and also excellent sound!
- Second Reality by Future Crew. You didn't think I would forget the best demo ever? ☺ If nothing else, watch this one! Won the pc demo compo at the Assembly '94.
- Unreal by Future Crew. Not as good as 2nd Reality, but still good (winner of the Assembly '92 pc demo compo). Probably the first demo I saw.
- Amnesia by Renaissance. A bit dated, but I still like it. Nice music.
A few minutes ago I stumbled across this page. After a moment of stunned silence (incredulous thought: "can this really be true?") I suffered one of those true laughing fits that leave you weak and helpless :-)
On second thought, I now wonder: What's the point? Why do they do this? Here are my ruminations...
Hilarious, and yet so true, a must read for any serious procrastinator: http://www.structuredprocrastination.com/. I am going to look over the priorities of my TODO list right away! I should probably make "write captions for old vacation pictures" the top-priority task, whereas "backup my data" needs to be mercilessly demoted to priority 9 :-)
I just found out that besides me and the Alice in Wonderland character there is another Herzbube. Now there are three of us :-)