Mon June 28 2004 "Patrick Näf" - released version 0.9.1 - added central handling for severe error conditions via the notification sub-system of Cocoa - better handling of GUI updates when something changes in the main table - archive content listing is not lost anymore after the archive is expanded - the content list drawer now opens automatically if it is closed and the list command is selected Sun June 27 2004 "Patrick Näf" - added items "MANUAL", "ReleasePlan" and "TODO" to the Help menu - updated various documents Wed June 24 2004 "Patrick Näf" - finished version 0.9 - main window now has a drawer that shows the ACE archive's content in a list Tue June 22 2004 "Patrick Näf" - replaced unace binary by a binary with version 2.5i, ripped from the MacAce application by Gabriel Gritsch ( - updated Info.plist and InfoPlist.strings - the edit-unqueue commands only set items to state "skipped" that have the state "queued" - updated README Mon June 21 2004 "Patrick Näf" - added support for Services system menu. The first of selected files in the table is provided as String, this allows to select Finder-ShowInfo or Finder-Reveal - disabled the items "Show Info" and "Reveal in Finder" in the File menu -> they will be enabled and implemented only when the AceExpander moves to Objective-C Sat June 19 2004 "Patrick Näf" - finished version 0.8 - added NSDocumentController to the model to manage the File-OpenRecent menu - added separate window that can be used to display a text file - implemented items in menu Help that show the GPL, README and ChangeLog text files - added item to Help menu (including implementation) that opens the AceExpander home page in a separate browser Thu June 17 2004 "Patrick Näf" - finished version 0.7 - implemented application handling of user defaults "CreateSurroundingFolder" and "DestinationFolderType" Wed June 16 2004 "Patrick Näf" - added user defaults "QuitAfterExpand", "AlwaysQuitAfterExpand" and "CreateSurroundingFolder" - updated preferences dialog to manage these user defaults - implemented application handling of user defaults "StartExpandingAfterLaunch", "QuitAfterExpanding" and "AlwaysQuitAfterExpanding" Tue June 15 2004 "Patrick Näf" - application now has two modes: interactive and non-interactive (default) - application terminates automatically if all items that were specified on launch time (e.g. by double-clicking archives in the Finder) have expanded successfully - added user defaults "StartExpandingAfterLaunch", "DestinationFolderType" and "DestinationFolder" - updated preferences dialog to manage these user defaults - the application does not yet handle these user defaults Mon June 14 2004 "Patrick Näf" - finished version 0.6 - added result window, in order to show stdout and stderr from the expand process - the result window's frame is saved to user defaults - added user default "ShowResultWindow", i.e. whether or not the result window is visible on application startup - added user default "ExecutablePath", which lets the user specify a different unace executable than the one bundled with the application - updated preferences dialog to manage this user default - added item to application menu that shows version information about the unace executable Thu June 10 2004 "Patrick Näf" - finished version 0.5 - added user default "QuitAppWhenMainWindowIsClosed" - updated pereferences dialog to manage this user default - implemented saving of preferences to user defaults system - implemented loading of application defaults from plist file (instead of hardcoding the defaults into the application program code) - fixed bug where user defaults are not saved when application is terminated because the main window is closed - main window frame is now saved to user defaults Wed June 09 2004 "Patrick Näf" - updated the ReleasePlan document - added new class AceExpanderPreferences - added preferences dialog - added hidden button to main window that reacts to the user pressing the Backspace key - added item "main window" to the Window menu Tue June 08 2004 "Patrick Näf" - finished version 0.4; this is the last version made in accordance with the old release plan - placed all classes in package ch.herzbube.aceexpander - replaced queue-all, unqueue-all and remove-selected buttons by items in menu Edit - added items remove-all, (re)queue-selected, unqueue-selected to Edit menu - added keyboard shortcuts to menu items - implemented File-Open menu item - added "Debug mode" item to the Options menu; this mode tells the shell script frontend to unace to print some extra information on stdout Sun June 06 2004 "Patrick Näf" - added support for password encrypted archives - added support for "test integrity" command - added support for "list" and "list verbosely" command - output of these two commands cannot be viewed yet Sat June 05 2004 "Patrick Näf" - added menus "Commands" and "Options" - added dummy implementations for Commands menu items - added real handling for Options menu items Thu June 03 2004 "Patrick Näf" - expansion is now handled by a separate thread; the actual expansion done by unace runs in a process spawned from this thread Wed June 02 2004 "Patrick Näf" - added support for drag&drop into the main window table Tue June 01 2004 "Patrick Näf" - values in the GUI table are displayed correctly (including icon images) Mon May 31 2004 "Patrick Näf" - finished version 0.2 - trashed the original project and started over with a new project - replaced the original GUI, which was pretty much a failure, with a new idea that uses NSTableView as the key element - trashed the UseCases document (too much overhead to maintain for this small project) - replaced unace binary with the *really* final version sent to me by Kolja on Nov 28 2003 Tue Sept 02 2003 "Patrick Näf" - replaced unace binary with the final version ported by Kolja and sent to me on Sept 01 2003 Fri Aug 29 2003 "Patrick Näf" - finished version 0.1 - first version of a working program - contains a preliminary version of unace mailed to me by Kolja on Aug 26 2003